“Black and white are the colors of photography.
To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.”
– Robert Frank
By definition a black and white photograph is an image where all color has been removed. It consists of shades of gray tone that generally go from dark (black) to light (white). Black and white photography is the art of using these gray tones, to create compelling images. The history of black and white photography is as long as photography itself. Monochrome photography had been around for 35 years before the first permanent color image was captured in 1861.
The PSSL Black and White Photography interest group was formed in May 2019. Currently we have over 30 enthusiasts in the group. Our aim is to share knowledge and work together to improve our skills in this genre.
To join the group please contact Ruvini on (94) 11 2 69 09 40
Upcoming activities will be notified via our WhatsApp group, e-mail and social media.